
My Journey
About me

I graduated high school from a small town south of San Antonio Texas. For as long as I can remember I have been passionate about photography. The first time I held a camera was at the age of 5. I remember my mother asking me what I wanted for my birthday. There was this small store downtown that sold miscellaneous items. Probably the equivalent to a Dollar General. I remember telling her that I wanted a camera. This camera that she bought me used a cartridge of film that was circular. I remember seeing the film very small after it was processed. I took that camera and started shooting until all the exposures were done. My mother took me to process the film and I remember the pictures came out terrible.I couldn’t understand why the pictures that I took didn’t come out the way I had seen them in my mind. All the pictures were blurry and underexposed. So, from then on, I just used the viewfinder to look through the camera and capture what I thought was a good shot in my mind. Probably making the clicking sound.

I enlisted in the military in 1996 and eventually retired. I have spent most of my career building businesses part-time, some prolific and some not. All my businesses were started with the idea of learning in mind. From calling cards, vitamins, jewelry, real estate to screen printing, I was always wanting to learn about that business. Building a business allowed me the opportunity to learn and find revenue in what I was interested in. I eventually received a degree in Management and Computer Information Systems. I received my master’s degree from The University of Texas at Austin in Technology and Commercialization. I received my MBA from the University of The Incarnate Word. I have a bachelor’s degree in Digital Film from L.A. Film School. So, business has been in my blood for a long time. I started my first business when I was 16 years old but worked with a classmate of mine when we were just 8 yr., working on neighbor’s yards. I don’t’ know if you can call that a business, but we made enough money to buy a lawnmower. I don’t want to compare myself to other photographers because I would like to think that I have my own style. The one thing that I am sure of is that I am passionate about photography.

My Continued Pursuit for Education

Military Veteran - U.S Air Force

Logistics Management

Studied Logistics and Supply Chain Management Demand processing, inventory management, defense re-utilization, purchasing, transportation and delivery. Direct base-wide inventory control and management and perform analysis of variance identified during inventory cycle counts and annual physical inventory to maintain costs to budgeted levels.


Park University

Bachelors in Management and Computer Information Systems

Management and Computer Information Systems is an amalgam of business management and computers. Understanding core practices are key in identifying appropriate information technologies for business, and organizations while utilizing information to effectively draw conclusions. Computers are essential components to any business and utilizing the newest technologies to support and facilitate information enhances profits and production.

University of Texas at Austin

Masters in Science,  Technology and Commercialization

Focus on identifying the newest technologies from all over the country and bringing them to market. Key concepts are identifying the viability of a business or technology from concept to marketplace. Identify new business, product and market opportunities. Define and frame strategic options for technology using a systemic approach to viability. Identify potential inventions, offerings, pricing and licensing for business products and technology.

The Los Angeles Film School

Bachelor of Science in Digital Film Making

Digital Film Making is focused on the art of digital video and film production for a variety of outlets. We utilize the latest tools and available media for today's media professionals. We create professional content for broadcast television, online media, and mobile applications, as well as independent films and more.


University of the Incarnate Word

Masters in Business Administration

Focuses on proficiency and confidence in all of the functional areas of business. Providing the technical skills required for an executive-level business position, this degree also emphasizes ethical considerations of doing business.
Focus on key areas of customer analytics: descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, and their application to real-world business practices including Amazon, Google, and Starbucks to name a few.

My Photography Skills











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